
Feline Tick Prevention

Feline Tick Prevention

For Our Feline Friends Milton Village Vet’s 100% companion animal focus makes us the ideal first choice for any pet owner looking for a cat friendly vet. As my feline medicine lecturer told us at Sydney Uni, “Cats are not small dogs!”. At Milton Village Vet we have a separate cat ward and immediately separate […]

Fantastic Elastic Plastic Surgery

Fantastic Elastic Plastic Surgery

Skin wounds under tension do not heal well. Luckily, canine and feline skin has amazing elasticity and, unlike humans, lacks firm attachments to bone, muscle and underlying connective tissue. “Oh S—t” Moments Every oncological surgeon has these. My membership training taught me to focus on “first time wide margin excision of cancers” and to preoperatively […]

Paralysis Tick Alert

Paralysis Tick Alert

Tick, Tick, Tick………BOOM Milton Village Vet has treated multiple tick paralysed patients over Winter. Even more worrying, are the large number of juvenile paralysis ticks owners are finding on their pets. Erroneously called “bush ticks”, most are the larval [6 legged] and nymph [8 legged] stages of the paralysis tick. Bush or Paralysis Tick? These […]

Parvo the mutant rises

Parvo the mutant rises

The Mutant Virus that Refuses to Die Despite decades of attempted eradication, veterinarians to this day still struggle with the severe disease caused by parvovirus in dogs and cats. Parvoviruses, unlike most viruses, survive amazingly well in the outside environment and are highly resistant to disinfection. Virus particles in soil can remain “infective” for up […]

Not All Lumps Are Born Equal

Not All Lumps Are Born Equal

Not All Lumps Are Born Equal! Finding a new lump on an older pet can be a worry. Tumours of the skin and subcutaneous regions are the most common tumours affecting dogs and second most common in cats but glandular, cystic and inflammatory lesions can look and feel very similar. So what should you do […]

Cruciate Ligaments

Cruciate Ligaments

Cruciate Ligaments A ruptured ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is every footballer/netballer/dog owner’s worst nightmare. ACL injuries are a common cause of sudden, non weight bearing, hind limb lameness in the dog and most require surgery. A functioning ACL prevents forward translocation and rotation of the tibia during weight bearing. Without one the knee joint quickly […]

Change Is Hard!

Change Is Hard!

Change is Hard! Change is hard for everyone but seasonal climatic changes can be particularly tough on certain pets. Going into winter months we tend to see a spike in arthritic pets presenting for lameness and coming into the warmer summer months, as we are now, we frequently see problems with our older cats and […]

Ticks, People and Allergies

Ticks, People and Allergies

Ticks, People and Allergies Whilst our focus is the prevention and treatment of paralysis tick affected pets, did you know that paralysis ticks can induce life threatening anaphylaxis in people either by themselves or via an induced red meat allergy? Interestingly both of these may be easily prevented by killing the tick at the attachment […]

Ticks on Acid

Ticks on Acid

Ticks on Acid A found and removed 3-4mm tick (when measured across the abdomen) has been attached for around 3 to 4 days and injected enough holocyclotoxin to kill an average size dog though luckily not straight away. The toxin needs to be absorbed by local lymphatics, find its way into the bloodstream, leach out […]

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung Kennel Cough Since the last school holidays the most recent kennel cough outbreak has been unfortunately rumbling along. Kennel Cough or infectious tracheitis causes a hoarse goose honk like cough often followed by a retch with white or yellowish foam produced. Owners of affected dogs can help control the outbreak by seeing […]