Author: Matt

Doggy Hay Fever

Doggy Hay Fever

Doggy Hay Fever Atopic dermatitis is a common chronic relapsing itchy skin disease of dogs. Affected dogs first show symptoms between 6 months and 3 years of age and then itch more or less for the rest of their life. The easiest analogy to a human disease is “hay fever” but instead of a runny […]

Autumn Ramblings

Autumn Ramblings

Autumn Ramblings Food Lure Training for Pups First show and give your pup a small treat, then ignore them for a few seconds. When they jump up gently move your legs out of the way until they stand still next to you (even for a microsecond) then reward immediately with another small snack.  Continue for […]

Sun Cancer in Pets

Sun Cancer in Pets

Our star, the Sun, can induce cancerous change in the skin cells of humans as well as our pet cats and dogs. Long term ultraviolet light exposure is a known risk factor for development of skin cancers in white cats and lightly pigmented short haired breeds of dogs. The presumed reason is that white coats […]

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